Labour GROUP amendment


Emergency Active Travel Fund – Tranche 2 transport schemes and plans for consultation


To add new recommendations 2.3, and 2.5 with bold italics as shown below, and the numerical changes as a result, also with bold italics and strikethrough as shown below:


That the Committee:

2.1     Agree to progress work on the five schemes presented in this report, to be delivered using Tranche 2 of the Active Travel Fund from Government.

2.2      Approve the plan for meaningful public and stakeholder consultation on these schemes, attached at Appendix 1, prior to their implementation.

2.3     Agree the same plan for meaningful consultation to apply to  Tranche 1 of the active travel schemes as they relate to the A259 seafront and A 270 Old Shoreham Road cycle lanes, as set out in paragraph 6.7, with the outcome of the specific consultation on those schemes informing any future decisions.

2.34   Agree the proposed terms of reference for a new Active & Inclusive Travel Forum to facilitate positive and proactive discussion amongst key stakeholders on schemes and initiatives that support active and accessible travel for all and enable inclusive user experiences to inform future proposals.

2.5      Agree that reports summarising the deliberations of the Active & Inclusive Travel Forum be brought back to this committee on a regular basis.

2.46    Note the use of urgency powers in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders in August 2020 in relation to the temporary A259 cycle lane.



Proposed by: Cllr Wilkinson                         Seconded by: Cllr Appich


Recommendations if carried to read:

That the Committee:

2.1   Agree to progress work on the five schemes presented in this report, to be delivered using Tranche 2 of the Active Travel Fund from Government.

2.2   Approve the plan for meaningful public and stakeholder consultation on these schemes, attached at Appendix 1, prior to their implementation.

2.3    Agree that the same plan for meaningful consultation to apply to  Tranche 1 of the active travel schemes as they relate to the A259 seafront and A 270 Old Shoreham Road cycle lanes, as set out in paragraph 6.7, with the outcome of the specific consultation on those schemes informing any future decisions.


2.4    Agree the proposed terms of reference for a new Active & Inclusive Travel Forum to facilitate positive and proactive discussion amongst key stakeholders on schemes and initiatives that support active and accessible travel for all and enable inclusive user experiences to inform future proposals.


2.5   Agree that reports summarising the deliberations of the Active & Inclusive Travel Forum be brought back to this committee on a regular basis.


2.6    Note the use of urgency powers in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders in August 2020 in relation to the temporary A259 cycle lane.